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HomeWater Study
Water Study 

Protecting the Quantity and Quality of Our Water

Our League believes that our overriding consideration concerning water resources should be protecting the quantity and quality of our water. We advocate: 
  • Enforcement of existing and future water laws supported with adequate funding, reliable data, and public education.  
  • Additional state legislation to reduce or eliminate the use of exempt wells.
  • The reflection of water availability in population forecast models.
  • A cost-effective management system for collecting water resources data. 


An update of our 2008 water study was first approved by the Thurston League at its annual meeting in May 2018. The report was extended at the 2021 LWVTC annual meeting to allow for report-writing and consensus building toward revising the LWVTC position on water resources. So far, this study has included: 
  • Determining study priorities and scope. Based on this process, the study timeline was extended to three years. 
  • Seven Where’s the Water forums (2019-2021) reviewed what we know about water resources in Thurston County. The forums provided a review of past research on water availability as well as the status of water resources in Thurston County as determined by new research. Video links below.
  • Following the work of the five Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) that are in Thurston County. The WRIA are water resource inventory areas or watersheds.
  • Compiling the reports and presentations in preparation for writing the report. 


Reports and presentations are now being collated in preparation for report writing. The study will be reviewed by issue experts and a reading committee to ensure the report meets the standards of the League in regards neutrality, thoroughness, and readability.   
Following publication of the study, the League will hold consensus meetings during which members who have read the report answer questions about the study material which gets collected and consolidated to frame a new position for our League.  

Water Study -- Thurston County’s Freshwater Future



Current Thurston League position statement on water (see page 11)

2008 Water Study: Thurston County Water Realities in Relation to Planning Development, 2008

Water Rights and the Hirst Decision by Retired State Senator Karen Fraser, November 2017

Where’s the Water series 

Seven forums (2019-2021) reviewed what we know about water resources in Thurston County.

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Forum 1 - Reality Check
Forum 1 - Reality Check

February 5, 2019

  • Former Senator, Karen Fraser - the portion of water that is actually available for human use
  • Kevin Hansen, County Hydrogeologist, Thurston County Water Resources - where Thurston County water comes from and the challenges to maintaining adequate supply
  • David Troutt, Natural Resources Director for the Nisqually Indian Tribe
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Forum 2 - Water for People, Water for Fish
Forum 2 - Water for People, Water for Fish
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Forum 3 - Rural Water Challenges & Solutions
Forum 3 - Rural Water Challenges & Solutions

March 19, 2019 - Forum 3 

- Yelm Mayor JW Foster
- Mary Verner, Department of Ecology Water Resources Division Program Manager
- Glen Schorno, dairyman from Yelm
- Nora White, Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Thurston Conservation District

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Forum 4 - Storm Water and Toxic Runoff
Forum 4 - Storm Water and Toxic Runoff

April 2, 2019 - Forum 4

- Chris Wilke, Executive Director, Puget Soundkeeper
- Art Starry, R.S., Environmental Health Division, Thurston County Public Health and Social Services
- Jana Ratcliff, Program Manager, Stormwater and Watersheds, WA Dept. of Transportation
- Abbey Stockwell, Senior Stormwater Planner

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Forum 5 - Streams, Salmon, and Orcas
Forum 5 - Streams, Salmon, and Orcas

May 7, 2019 - Forum 5

- Nova Middle School Students - Water Quality Studies
- Ann Marie Pearce, Education Outreach Specialist, Thurston County Planning Water Division - How Clean is Your Stream?
- Gabe Madel, Fish Biologist, Washington State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife - What's Happening with Salmon in Thurston County?
- Kirsten Harma, Lead Entity Coordinator, Chehalis Basin Partnership, Dept. of Natural Resources, Chehalis Tribe - Current Strategies to Enhance Salmon Habitat Restoration
- Cindy Hanson, Education Coordinator, Orca Network, Whidbey Island - What are We Doing to Protect Our Endangered Orcas?

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Forum 6 - What are the Impacts of Sea Level Rising in Thurston County
Forum 6 - What are the Impacts of Sea Level Rising in Thurston County

March 5, 2020

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Forum 7 - Realities of Water Quality and Quantity
Forum 7 - Realities of Water Quality and Quantity

November 10, 2020 - Forum 7


For more information and to get involved:



The League is grateful to the Nisqually Indian Tribe which provided generous grants for the water study in 2019 and 2020.

P.O. Box 2203
Olympia WA 98507