LAND USE/COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING The League maintains a position that: The concept of
planning is a necessary and desirable adjunct of government to provide for orderly development. And that:
Regional planning as a necessary part of the total comprehensive planning process to provide for cooperation and coordination among political subdivisions.
The League encourages members to get involved by participating in the comprehensive planning now being done by the governmental jurisdictions in Thurston County. An informative article is being published in the VOTER newsletter. Here is the most recent article:
Voter Article January
Citizen input is being sought through 2025. LWVTC will provide details of opportunities for attending hearings, reviewing documents, and submitting comments. Dates, jurisdictional contact, and additional information is updated frequently. The opportunity to review and comment on the Tumwater Climate chapter draft is now available. TCAT has provided details to assist your review.
Climate Chapter Review