General Election November 5th
Wondering how your ballot is counted?
You can watch the staff working in real time once ballots are mailed in.
Washington State has Mail-In Ballots!
Watch the video, Path of the Ballot, to see how ballots are processed in Thurston County:
Path of the Ballot
Be Sure You Are Registered for the 2024 Elections!
- Go to VoteWa.Gov or Vote411 to make sure you're registered. If you've moved, you can change your address.
- Register to Vote at VoteWa.Gov if you have a driver's license.
- If you don't have a Washington State Driver's License, download a Voter Registration Form in the language of your choice, fill it out, and mail it to the Thurston County Auditor. Voter Registration Form
- Register in person at Thurston County Elections Office, 2915 29th Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512.
- Register and Vote at Lacey Timberland Library on Election Day, November 5th.
Be an Informed Voter and watch our Candidate Forums
Learn More! Read our questions and the answers candidates provided
Drop box locations are listed at ThurstonWAVotes.gov, in the voters’ pamphlet, and in your ballot packet.
Mailing your ballot? Voters who mail their ballot should check mailbox pickup times to make sure the ballot will receive an Election Day postmark.
No stamp is necessary.
If you need assistance in voting, call the Elections Office 360-786-5408.